The weather is arizona is getting warmer each day and we are looking forward to the summer (wink). The temperature is forecasted at a high of 95 today, and every where you go , you can hear both kids and adults swimming happily in the pool.

Don’t forget to watch your kids around the pool, here are some pool rules to obey and live by.

1. Instruct babysitters about potential pool hazards to young children and about the use of protective devices, such as door alarms and latches. Emphasize the need
for constant supervision.
2. Never leave a child unsupervised near a pool. During social gatherings at or near a pool, appoint a “designated watcher” to protect young children from pool accidents. Adults may take turns being the “watcher.” When adults become preoccupied, children are at risk.
3. If a child is missing, check the pool first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability. Go to the edge of the pool and scan the entire pool, bottom and surface, as well as the pool area.
4. Do not allow a young child in the pool without an adult.

Get the rest of the swimming pool rules in this May’s Monthly Newsletter.

Also find out how Memorial Day started in the May’s Monthly Newsletter